
Showing posts from February, 2010

Execution order of classes in journal

Here is something good to know about the executionorder or batchclasses in a journal for Dynamics AX 4.0. The classes that are included in a journal are executed sequentially. But this is not done by the order decided with the Up/down buttons. That which decides the execution order of the classes is the order that the classes are added, hence the RecId order.

Dynamics AX 2009 AOS do not start, eventid 110

I have found a solution for this issue. To solve that, I have just delete CREATESERVERSESSIONS and CREATEUSERSESSIONS stored procedures, and run follow scripts: Then make sure that the user that is running the aos service has the rights to execute the procedures. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- USE [DB NAME] GO SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON GO CREATE procedure [dbo].[CREATESERVERSESSIONS] @aosId varchar(50), @version int, @instanceName nvarchar(50), @recid bigint, @maxservers int, @status int, @loadbalance int, @workload int, @serverid int OUTPUT as declare @first as varchar(50) declare @max_val as int begin select top 1 @first = SERVERID from SYSSERVERSESSIONS WITH (UPDLOCK, READPAST) where STATUS = 0 and AOSID = @aosId and INSTANCE_NAME = @instanceName if (select count(SERVERID) from SYSSERVERSESSIONS where SERVERID IN (@first)) > 0 begin update SYSSERVER

Restore SQL DB from a network location

This can me done over the network. Just make sure that the account that runs the sql server can access the folder containing the .bak file. List the files in your database backup using: RESTORE FILELISTONLY FROM DISK = 'C:\Projects\Data\Northwind.bak' Execute the backup using: RESTORE DATABASE Northwind FROM DISK = 'C:\Projects\Data\Northwind.bak' MOVE 'Northwind_Data' TO 'C:\Projects\Web\Data\Northwind.mdf', MOVE 'Northwind_Data2' TO 'C:\Projects\Web\Data\Northwind.ndf', MOVE 'Northwind_Log' TO 'C:\Projects\Web\Data\Northwind.LDF' The replace command will create it from scratch.