
Showing posts from February, 2011

Error during data migration while upgrading to AX 2009

When you're upgrading your existing AX 3.0 SP6 environment to AX 2009 you may run into following error: Object Server 01: The database reported (session 5 (Admin)): [Microsoft][SQL Native Client][SQL Server]The specified schema name "DOMAIN\COMPUTERNAME$" either does not exist or you do not have permission to use it.. The SQL statement was: "CREATE FUNCTION [DOMAIN\COMPUTERNAME$].FN_FMT_NUMBERSEQUENCE This is caused by getSchemaName() method in ReleaseUpdateDB class. This method executes SELECT current_user SQL statement to retrieve name of user connected to SQL Server. This returns name of the account running AOS service. This name is then used as name of schema in which the database object is being created. To create the object always in DBO schema you need to modify the getSchemaName() method to call xSession::getDbSchema() method that always returns DBO for SQL Server database. The method will look like follows: protected static str getSchemaName(Connection _con

Development licenses AX 2009

Information about the license keys needed for developing in a ax environment. Base Application: This will allow to have access to UI elements like Menus, Forms. MorphX Development Suite: With this licence you will be able to see the Data Dictionary and other UI objects (reports etc). Web MorphX Development Suite: Controls access to web development objects in AOT. X++ Source Code: This licence allows to have access to Class objects in AOT.