
Showing posts from 2024

Continuous integration and deployment Power platform FinOps tweaking

If you are working with the new unified development environments and CICD pipelines described here .  You might find the fact that we have to update the pipeline with the platform and application version annoying.  A quick way to get around this if you are using azure hosted agent pipeline as per this repo is to pull the number from the package.config and using it in the create deployable package task as per the two example tasks below.  The first powershell task will pull the version from the nuget files and save it to variable that can be reused in later tasks within the job. 

Step GlobalUpdate script for service model: RetailServer on machine: DEV-VM is failing during MsDyn365FO package deployment

When upgrading LCS environment we sometimes encounter the error GlobalUpdate script for service model: RetailServer .  Paul Heistkamp wrote a blog post on how to solve the issue here  .  The steps are:  1. Connect to the intended environment. 2. Find the latest deployable package applied to the environment. It will be under folder <ServiceVolume>:\DeployablePackages\ 3. Under the deployable package folder, find the following SQL script <ServiceVolume>:\DeployablePackages\RetailServer\Scripts\DropAllRetialChannelDbObjects.sql This script, when run against the AOS database, will remove all objects related to the Retail Channel Database. Only proceed if you are not using the Retail Channel functionality. 4. Connect to the AxDB database and run the above script. This operation will take several minutes. 5. Resume the package deployment or start the package deployment to have the Retail Channel components recreated correctly. If the steps above don't resolve the problem it m

Automatically create remote branch with git using push.autoSetupRemote

When pushing a branch that was created locally that doesn't exist in your remote as a user you'll be prompted with the statement suggesting what command to run to create the new branch in the remote: " git push — set-upstream origin <branch-name> " If you are tired of doing a copy paste of the command and running it. Use the git setting push.autoSetupRemote to change the default behaviour in git to automatically create the branch.  Run the git command below to change the global setting.  git config --global --add --bool push.autoSetupRemote true