CDX stopped working after update

After applying a update to a TEST environment the CDX sync stopped working with the following error.

System.Reflection.TargetInvocationException: Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation. --->
Microsoft.Dynamics.Retail.CommerceDataExchange.ProcessDataPackageException: Error occurred when running SqlTargetRequestHandler. --->
Error occured when trying to find full table names in database. --->
'GETAFFECTEDTABLENAMESBYCDX', database '', schema 'crt'. 
System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: The EXECUTE permission was denied on the object

The reason for this was that the update dropped the user/role assignment in the DB.

After adding the following assignments back CDX started working again .

EXEC sp_addrolemember 'DataSyncUsersRole', 'axretaildatasyncuser';


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