Implementing offline support for D365 MPOS, the details MS didn't document

If you haven’t discovered it on your own these are undocumented changes you need to do on top of the MS provided steps(See StoreHours example) to get offline custom entities actions working.

Update SDK namespace
Update the namespace for the C# proxy in RetailSDK_Dev\BuildTools\Microsoft.Dynamics.RetailSdk.Build.settings to match SDK namespace.

The namespace change will break the SDK compile in many places. Do a search and replace for “namespace Contoso” in your SDK to your root namespace as you specified in the settings file.

Specify adapter in MPOS request

In the POS service request you’ll need to make sure that entityType is specified.

When the MPOS core generates the request URL it will take the entityType value and append “Manager” to try construct the URL looking for your offline adaptor manager class. If entityType is missing POS core will look for your custom entity action in the StoreOperations adaptor

In the example below the request would be posted back to crt://offline/StoreOperationsManager/UpdatePurchOrdernum if entityType is missing.

Update the C# RetailProxy project (looks to be a bug, reported to MS)
In the current version of the SDK you’ll need to make a change to the parameter unpacking in the C# proxy project.

The function CommerceRuntimeRequest.prototype.formatParameters in the Commerce.Core.js will bundle up all parameters to a single object with the key entity. The C# proxy will compare the parameter names of the input parameters of your adaptor action with the values passed in the request. Because there will be only one parameter called entity the parameters will not be found and the execution will fail.

To fix the problem make the following changes to the Retail Proxy project.

Add project reference Newtonsoft.Json.Protable. The dll can be found in the reference folder of the SDK.

Change the constructor of the class CrtUri in Adapters\CrtUri.cs, add the code between the comments //Unpacking offline parameters.


Remove the parameter number check in the class AdaptorCaller and method CallCommerceRuntimeAsync found in Adapters\AdaptorCaller.cs


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